In the Vedic Hindu society, after the various sages (munis) were gradually revealed under the guise of Smriti expositions, the Hindu society disintegrated into a discriminatory structure of the caste system and social hierarchy (varna system) based on higher and lower castes. Initially, the varna system, which was determined by one’s actions and qualifications, eventually evolved into a tradition that automatically assigned roles based on birth.
Toyanath Adhikari, the father of the plow revolution in Duradanda, was a committed social reformer and an activist against untouchability and discrimination. In 1952, he established a school in the village, allowing Dalits and non-Dalits to study together. When his sister Chijmaya Paudel returned from her parental home, Toyanath had Sarki porter Itbahadur carry her dowry load to the house. As a result, Chijmaya was expelled from her house for allowing a Sarki to carry her things and spent the rest of her life at her parents’ home
The spark of awareness against caste-based discrimination, ignited by Toyanath, Sheshkanta, Shrikantha Adhikari, and Haribhakta Paudel in Duradanda, soon spread across the nation as a form of revolution. Through their indomitable courage & rebellion, they loosened the deeply entrenched barren consciousness of society. The plow revolution played a role in easing the burden of farmers, promoting respect for labor, and spreading awareness against untouchability.
Toyanath'son, Sashi Kanta Adhikari, was born in 1945 in the Lamjung district of Nepal. His career spans both journalism & environmental activism, leaving a lasting impact in both fields. He began his journalistic journey in 1969, after receiving his journalistic training. By 1973, he had completed an additional course in Jaipur, India, & from that point on, he worked as a full-time journalist until his retirement in 2010.
In 1985, he became a publisher & editor, founding his own newspaper, Agra Doot, which means "the first messenger". In 1992, he established the Nepali Ecology Group, an NGO focused on promoting environmental awareness in the newly formed multiparty democracy. The group's first major initiative was to expose students to literature beyond their standard curriculum, through a mobile library that circulate among schools.
From 2002 to 2010, Sashi served as the full-time editor of the Annapurna Post, a prominent national daily in Nepal. Upon retiring from journalism, he founded another NGO to institutionalise his efforts in agriculture & sustainable development. The Human & Environment organisation continue to develop project related to farming, herbal cultivation, & enhancing connection between rural Nepal & the global community.
Both his father and his late grandfather, known for their profound kindness and insight, imparted values of empathy, reflection, and social responsibility to Akshaya Adhikari from an early age. Having studies Tantra, Hinduism, Buddhism, Yoga, and Mantra under respected teachers, Akshaya's lifestyle is firmly anchored in both ancient knowledge and modern comprehension. His deep connection with tantric philosophy form the foundation of his environmental and social endeavours.
Akshaya's education in Business & Economics expanded globally. He pursued advanced learning in France and India, cultivating a rich academic background that complement his Eastern roots. His time abroad allowed him to integrate cultural and intellectual traditions, applying them to his multi-disciplinary projects.
Now living between Nepal & the United Kingdom, Akshaya, his father, & their friends have launched numerous operations dedicated to balance compassion with action, ensuring a harmonious future for the community in Panauti, environment & society at large.
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